holy moly, you kids were completely awwwesome on Tuesday - 100 loaves were gone in 15 minutes. dudes - 15 minutes! some quick and dirty arithmetic yields the staggering statistic of one loaf every 9 seconds. i had no idea it was gonna be like that! i mean, there was a line! a line! for my bread!!! it totally made my day. so THANK YOU.
but hey, giving away bread is easy, right? i mean, who doesn't like free bread? (total a-holes, that's who.)
but let's keep this thing going, because i think it's the start of something very special...
so could you do me a favor? don't be an a-hole - come get bread Tuesdays at FourBarrel, at 4pm. i'll be there, ready to fulfill all of your bready fantasies, for just $5 a pop. (well, maybe not ALL of your bready fantasies, but definitely MOST of them... you perv.) and if last week is any indication, come as soon as you can, because it deeply pains me to not have a loaf for someone who wants one.
because everyone deserves to be loafed.
see ya Tuesday honey pies
<3 josey