Short and sweet on this one kiddos, though please don’t take this to mean anything other than i am so confident in our relationship that we needn’t waste any precious time with niceties.
We’re starting back up with the bread baking classes! next one is Wednesday, October 7, 7:30-9:30pm at The Mill. wanna learn how to bake bread with us? go here and reserve your spot! i’m really excited about this class, we will get into the principles that make for delicious bread: whole/wild/wet/slow/bold. what does this all mean and how can it possibly have to do with bread??!? come hang + find out.
i can in fact barely contain my excitement, and thus i think i may have to just do an impromptu slam right here right now, ok here goes, please read aloud and add your own emphasis, suggested by the “*” scattered throughout:
i wrote out a slam poem and then got embarrassed and deleted it. sorry, maybe next time?
and that, as they say, is that.
<3 jbb