bake with us; Holiday Craft Bazaar this Thursday 6-10pm; gift my cookbook??? / by joseybakerbread

photo 4 alright dudes, before i get into our quest for the newest member of the JBB family, a few things of note -

Holiday Craft Bazaar, Thursday 6-10pm @ The Mill

haven't gotten that special something for that special someone for this special time of year? been putting off buying yourself that sweet, sweet coffee mug that you've been wanting to find for months? feeling jealous of my totally rad indigo tie dye shirts??? have no fear, this coming Thursday 12/18 we're having a lovely evening at The Mill in which all of your dreams will come true. members of the JBB + 4B family will be showing off their skills and making the products of said skills available for purchase to people like you and me. so come check out what we do when we're not baking your bread or making your macchiato. we're very good at stuff, ya know? like, for god's sake, look at what Ryan Lee, also known as Function & Whimsy, makes in his spare time -

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and that's just the tip of the christmas tree, if you know what i mean...

bake with us - open position starting 12/28

yup, it's that time of year as well - we need another baker to join our ranks!! is it you? it may be, if you meet the criteria below. you may be the newest JBB crew member if -

  • you love baking bread, more specifically highly hydrated, whole grain, sourdough bread
  • you've got at least 6 months experience working in a professional bakery/several years experience working in professional kitchen and a serious baking habit on the side
  • you're ready to work 3-5 days/week starting December 28
  • you can hang in an open kitchen, with curious customers always asking you things like, “what are you doing?” and then not listening to your answers
  • you have your opinions about how to do things, but you’re open to learning how to do stuff better, quicker, and in a variety of ways
  • you like working in a tight little bakery where you’re never more than 3 feet away from another person

position begins in 2 weeks, December 28, so please e-mail me a resume and explain why you're the perfect fit ASAP to

gift my cookbook???

i've been beside myself with glee to be hearing from so many people about how much joy they're getting from my book. i even made a few lists for folks' favorite cookbooks of the entire year!! that just about made me cry with joy, check it out:

don't be shy, go ahead and buy it for that buddy of yours who's always wanted to bake bread. maybe it'll change their life. just look what happened to me.

lastly, just gotta share how stoked i am about a new bread we're making -

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California Heirloom is our newest loaf, and it's made with 100% California grown organic wheat. specifically, it's made with an heirloom variety called Sonora, and it's grown by one totally badass farmer named Sally Fox, out in the Capay Valley just a couple hours outside San Francisco. i drove out to visit Sally a few weeks ago and loaded up 500 lbs in the back of my truck, and here in the bakery we've been having a blast figuring out how to turn it into the most delicious bread we can. we're only making a handful of loaves each day here, but if you're lucky enough to see it on the shelf, i suggest you grab it and give it a try. i think Sally would be proud.

peace out sweethearts, hope to catch ya Thursday. or if you know what's good for you i'll see you Monday night, for some of this -

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<3 josey