the universe has a way / by joseybakerbread

hidy ho my adorable little dudes well, since we last spoke i've gone and got hitched, and i'm feeling pretty great about that. check out me and my sweet sweet lady Cathy at City Hall, moments before we officially became husband and wife:

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and then we spent 3 days on a river in the Sierra Foothills with 100 of our closest friends and good god, that was about as good as it gets. lots of this kinda stuff:


followed by this kinda stuff:


and then a whooole lotta this kinda stuff:


(above 3 pics courtesy of the handsome + talented Dylan Chandler)

yup, very very happy about it indeed, being married is the raddest.

on another note, goodness me, it's been so so lovely to hear from all of y'all about how you're digging on the book!! thanks times a zillion for all of your sweet sweet e-love letters, they make me blush, every single one of them. i've even been getting some good ol' fashioned letters of the handwritten variety as well, and that makes me smile reeeal big, so if you're feelin like breakin out the ol feather pen, please do and send it to me at The Mill, 736 Divisadero St, San Francisco, CA 94117. i may even write ya one back w my new watercolor set, which i am actively looking for excuses to uses [sic].

ok ok, i wanna tell you a story, so quit yappin and just listen up - i was up in Portland, Oregon a few weeks back, absolutely loooooving it, when i got a text from my sweet lady Cathy, "what's the license plate number of your truck?" my stomach immediately sunk - somehow i knew that somebody stole my truck. a bunch of texts back and forth and a few phonecalls later and it was confirmed - some total a-hole had stolen my truck. i was flying back to SF that day anyway, so we went straight to the police station, filed that report, and then i prayed to the almighty god that i don't even believe in that my dear truck would find its way back to me.

minutes, hours, days went by...........

then this happened:

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yup, some friggin jerk had gone and tossed a couple wine bottles through our skylights at The Mill. i wondered - was i doing something wrong? was the Universe trying to show me something? was it the toast??? WHY O WHY WHAT DID I DO??!?!?

but then i got a call, and an hour later i was going like this:

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THE POLICE FOUND MY TRUCK YAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!! and yes, i felt as awesomely crazy as i appear in this photo, if any of you have had a car stolen and then returned, you understand what i'm talkin about. and the thieves had been pretty sweet, as far as thieves go - the truck was totally fine, with stereo in place and trailmix still in the glovebox.

so now i am feeling okay again - i got a sweet truck, a sweet wife, a sweet bakery, a sweet life.

what else is up? i've been surfing a good bit, sometimes if i am lucky with the likes of this fellow:

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and we've got some changes afoot in the bakery!! basically we are gonna pull back our pastry program so that we can make a little bit more bread. what kinda bread, you ask? TOP SECRET. jk sweetheart, we are considering all sorts of stuff, but currently these are the winners:

  • baguettes. these will be baguettes of the sort you've never seen. why? because we are gonna make them completely out of ancient grain. yeah that's right - ancient baguettes. get ready San Francisco, we're gonna hit you right where it counts.
  • ancient wonder bread. remember when you were a kid and your mom used to make you sandwiches on that delicious sliced multi grain bread??? we're gonna make that. but we're not going to slice it for you, don't be silly. and it's not gonna be made to last for weeks on a supermarket shelf either, even though this aging process lent a certain charm, for sure. ours will probably be a blend of khorasan and einkorn and who knows what else, stay tuned. i've known for years that i needed to make bread with einkorn, and we've been experimenting in the bakery, and we can't even believe how delicious it tastes. it's hard to work with, but we're gonna try our best to figure it out. what's einkorn? oh, it's only like the oldest frikkin variety of wheat on the planet earth, no big deal. BIG DEAL. read more here.
  • more adventure bread, more rye bread. people been freeeakin on the adventure bread, and we have been struggling to keep up. rest assured, we are going to start making more of it so that you don't have to be here first thing in the morning to get your adventure bread fix. what's adventure bread? check this out. whoops, not that, this. (it's our gluten-free bread) also, we can't make enough rye bread right now, but we will soon!!
  • yummy pastries from a baker buddy. we will still make some of our yummy sweets, such as our cookies and granola, but for the most part we are gonna hand over the pastry reigns to a very talented baker buddy of ours. stay tuned, you'll know when it happens.

and OH MAN, if you're free this Friday ya gotta come to Penrose + party with us!!!

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no reservations, just come on in and eat some delicious dinner and drink some delicious drink and leave with a signed copy of my book.

speaking of book release parties - i'm headed to the northeast in just a couple weeks - so if you're in New York or Amherst, MA or Vermont, or LA, i better see you at one of these:

ok that is all i loves yous

<3 josey