well jeezum crow, i feel like i've lived a million years since we last spoke!!
just a few days ago i found my way to a lovely little river about 3 hours northeast of San Francisco. it was my first time out in the California wilderness this summer, and my goodness gracious me, it felt amazing. it really is just one of my favorite things in the world to do, to pack up my bag and just walk up the river and explore and relax for a few days. but holy moly, for this trip it was *H*O*T* - a whopping 100F on Monday! not to worry, we were never more than a few steps from the water, and we just spent all day splish-splashing around.
but i've been on the move a bunch over the last few months, what with a book to promote and a beautiful woman to marry -
but things are calming down now, and that's just fine by me. i am so very excited for the book (a bunch of parties in LA, see below!!) but it's also really nice to be spending time in the bakery day in and day out, making stuff like this happen -
it's not that i wasn't loving what i was doing, don't get me wrong, but when i was coming and going every other week, i would just start to get in the groove and then *POOF*, i'd fly away. but i'm back for a spell now, so i should stop whining.
at least til the end of the month, when i head down to LA for a whole bunch of book parties!! check em out -
- Thurs, July 31, 4-8:30pm - Grist & Toll
- Fri, Aug 1, 7-8:30pm - New School of Cooking
- Sat, Aug 2, 4pm- Book Soup
- Mon, Aug 4, 6pm - Baker to Baker Discussion w Evan Kleinman & Zack Hall (e-mail roxana@cookscountyrestaurant.com to reserve a space), Vibiana 214 South Main Street, LA
do ya wanna come to some of em??!? well i would just love that, so if'n you're in the neighborhood and in the mood, then please swing on by and say hey, ok? OK.
i'll tell ya, it's been kinda nuts, this whole "being a published author" thing. i mean, guys, people are coming up to me in The Mill and asking me to sign the book that i wrote. SIGN THE BOOK THAT I WROTE?!?!? i wrote a book?!?! and people want me to sign it?!?!?!?! i'm not sure any of this is really happening, but i will continue to act like it is, because it is very, very fun. and i get to do stuff like this, act like i'm a famous person on WCAX in Vermont -
i had no idea i was showing off my thigh tat like that, i'm not a floozy, i promise you.
but then i come back from acting like i'm famous, and my amazing bakers show me this -
so i get overwhelmed and eat 4 of them and just immediately pass out. btw - the magical light on this here peanut butter brownie is sunlight that streams into the bakery only for a couple hours in the afternoon, only at certain times of the year, like this time of the year. gotta appreciate the now, now don't we, now?
well, i don't wanna bore you, so i'm just gonna quit while i'm ahead.
but just let me ask you this - do you like bagels? think about it and lemme know.
<3 j