hear this all you SF people: i'm giving away 100 loaves of bread this coming Tuesday 8/28 at FourBarrel Coffee on Valencia, starting at 4pm.
no selling, all free, no shit.
why in the heck are you going to do that you zany Baker boy?!?
cuz i'm so damn pumped about the bread i'm baking, and giving away stuff is rad, and i wanna get you kids hooked on my goods. starting the following week, bread'll be for sale there every Tuesday afternoon for $5 a pop. so get it while it's free, then get it when it's five.
where in the heck is all this bread coming from? my bread hero Dave Miller has continued in his unerring awesomeness, and is letting me bake bread out of his bakery way out in Chico. it's been unbelievably wonderful, and now it's time to share the wonder with all of you.
wait just a cotton picking second here Baker boy, what's the big deal, you bake bread all the time? what's so special about this bread?
uhhhhh, yeah, i do bake all the time, but hear this - Dave's got the SAME oven that i'm going to have at The Mill, the SAME mill i'm going to have at The Mill, and so i'm just going bonkers cuz these are just the right tools for the job. and it's like the age-old adage goes: you can't build a house without a hammer. (i just made that up.)
i'll have a few different types of bread on hand, but i'm gonna keep it a surprise, cuz that's more exciting. right??? RIGHT.
so don't dilly dally - come get a free loaf of bread this Tuesday, give me a high five, and then have a dinner party and look like this:
and tell em Josey Baker sent ya.
love you kiddos
<3 josey