thanks for giving / by joseybakerbread

ok, first things first - i just turned 32 and i am loooooving it - photo (46)

can you believe those shorts? my lady knows me so well.

but that's not the point of this - no no no. so - FIRST THINGS FIRST - this week is Thanksgiving, and i am thankful for so many things, i can't even begin to tell you. my wife, my mom + dad, my brother, my amazing team of bakers at The Mill, stuff like this:

photo 2

but come on, this is booooooring, you wanna know about BREAD. well, here's the deal my dudes:

Thanksgiving - every year (*see below*) i take great joy in baking up the bread on Thanksgiving morning, and this year is no exception. so check it out - we are OPEN on Thanksgiving at 8AM and will have a bunch of bread coming out of the oven, so don't you go worryin' your pretty little heart when you wake up Thursday morning and say, "OH CRAP I FORGOT TO GET THE BREAD." just come + get it. just come and get it by 3PM, cuz that's when we close so we can go home and party because...

Friday - The Mill is OPEN, but JBB is not baking any bread. but oh yes, we will have coffee + toast and lots of pretty people mulling about, so don't be shy, go for a Black Friday jog and finish it off w some whole wheat toast covered in pumpkin butter.

photo 1

*the see below part*

4 years ago i baked up 60 loaves of bread in my dinky little home oven on Shotwell St, and a bunch of people i didn't even know came and bought it all. i had no frikkin idea what the next 4 years would hold, but good god almighty, i am so so so thankful for it all. SO THANK YOU, each and everyone of you who've played a part in the crazy adventure.

speaking of which, i was fortunate enough to make a trip out to my bread hero Dave Miller this past weekend, and get a load of this - 100% stone ground whole grain kamut, like non i've ever seen -

photo 4

he has a way, goodness gracious he has a way.

photo 3

oh, one more  very exciting thing - on my way to Dave's i swung by to visit Sally Fox and pick up a bunch of her Sonora, and two days later i milled it up and mixed it up and baked it up -

photo 5

it's reeeeeeeal good, and after this Thanksgiving craziness has passed we're going to start making it for you too. so stay tuned honey bees.

ok ok ok, see ya on Thanksgiving, or if i don't have an amazing time and open up your heart nice and wide and do a back flip for me.

<3 j