The Mill turns 3 !!! / by Josey Baker

oh my goodness gracious me, it's true, it's true, The Mill is turning 3!!!

hard to believe right, but we've been slinging toast + coffee for three lovely years and we want to celebrate and say thank you. and what says thank you better than soup + grilled cheese?!?

so come on out and party with us Wednesday Feb 17 from 6-9pm. we'll be serving up hot grilled cheese and warm soup and there'll even be live music by our very own Madeline Kenney.

but hold the phone - did you say FREE soup + grilled cheese?!?

actually no, i didn't say "free," but you're in luck, because it IS going to be free. but just for this very special occasion. then we'll start making you trade us money for the soup + grilled cheese. because soup + grilled cheese doesn't grow on trees. at least, not on any day other than Wednesday Feb 17 from 6-9pm. 

can't thank you enough for the support everyone, means the world to me.

<3 jbb