hidy ho goodness gracious, seems like every time i post these days i'm apologizing about how "its been too long," or "oh i've missed you so bad," or what the heck ever. seems like i'm just doing it a little bit less these days, and i can't keep saying i'm sorry.
so i ain't sorry.
but i have missed you so hard.
what in the ef was i doing? well...
i had a really wonderful time in Vermont with my fam:
(silly brother and mother there)
baked a bunch:
(those are cookies, shut up)
and took a few romps around the woods:
(that's my dapper papa)
but anyway, on to the next topic of the day... changes are afoot friends! what changes? friday bread.
i am sorry to say that beginning in February i will no longer be baking Friday mornings at Pizzaiolo. it has been a totally awesome run there, during which i've made some amazing relationships and baked some pretty darn good bread, but the time has come for it to end. i'd like to sincerely thank all of my East Bay peeps who have supported me over the past year.
perhaps most of all, i'm grateful for the ridiculously cool and generous people of Pizzaiolo. in particular, i am indebted to Mr. Charlie Hallowell, who has let me learn to bake bread in his wood-fired oven, and given me a place to rest my head many a thursday night. you are a hell of a guy, Mr. Hallowell.
in fact, why don't we take a trip down memory lane to the very first time i baked in that oven, in the fall of 2010:
(i burnt them all.)
but these days i get to pull beauties like these outta the oven:
why the friday bread hiatus? cuz this baker boy only has so much energy, and opening the new space is where i've gotta focus. however, i will keep baking on Wednesday and Thursday at Mission Pie, and sending bread to Bi Rite Market as well. and pretty soon you will be able to buy bread at the new space (yes, before we've officially opened) so that my new neighbors can get their Josey Baker Bread on. this will likely be up and running by the end of January. will keep ya posted.
that all being said, i'm open to suggestions about how to get some of my bread to my East Bay crew. so if you have an idea, you know where to find me. (send me an email sucka.)
all for now. love hard kiddos.
<3 josey