but rooftops are also awesome when they're on top of SFMOMA.
i had a totally wonderful time this last thursday night at MeatPaper's last SFMOMA Rooftop event. there was delicious food from Leif Hedendal, Gypsy Kitchen, Leah Rosenberg of Blue Bottle Coffee, and last but not least, some scumptious goodies I made with the help of Morgan Maki and Linh Phu of Bi-Rite Market.
you can check out some photos and words about it here.
Morgan and Linh whipped up some crazy good tidbits to put atop pieces of my country levain - coppa (which Morgan cured himself), pickled spring veggies, and an A M A Z I N G calendula flower pesto.
and speaking of Bi-Rite... a little bird flew by my window the other day and said that Josey Baker Bread may start showing up on the shelves in about a month. keep your ears peeled for that little bird...
<3 josey