i love landmarks. i mean, what the hell, we're only wandering around this lovely little planet for the blink of an eye, so why not stop and take note of things as much as possible, right? RIGHT. speaking of landmarks, me and my stupendous partner in crime cathy celebrate our 10 month boyfriend girlfriend anniversary today! YESYESYESYES. look at her here, the perfect balance of urban chic and rugged country, chopping wood for a pizza party:
ain't nothin wrong with a little bit of q & a /
<<< keep your eyes peeled dudes, there's another free loaf quiz in this one >>>
people been a-ing some q's, so i'm just gonna answer em all right here and now.
Q: you were a bit vague about when you were actually leaving... when's the last day you're baking? and when are you coming back??
A: a ha! you've passed my are-you-paying-attention test! i'm baking up til August 26 - less than two weeks from today. i'll be back in time for Thanksgiving. get your bread while you can homies.
Q: baker boy, you say you're going to southeast asia, but where in the heck are you actually going?
A: well, i'm flattered you're that interested. our plan is to fly into bangkok, and travel around thailand, vietnam, cambodia, and laos. no super solid plans, we're just looking for a nice mix of adventure - wild nature, urban culture, peaceful temple, sweaty farming... if you've got any tips, i'd love to hear em.
Q: what in the frik am i going to do while you're gone?
A: you really are the sweetest. if you really like, you can buy a couple extra loaves and just freeze them in ziplock bags. freezing bread stops it right in its tracks, and then you can take it out whenever you like, let it thaw for a few hrs, toss it in a 350F oven for 10 min, and have a jbb party. take a pic of it and send it to me and make me happy.
Q: what's your sign?
A: i'm not into that kinda stuff, but i value different perspectives, and i love how curious you are.
Q: you're going to burning man, aren't you? i don't like burning man, even though i've never been... are you a burner?
A: yes, i'm going. no, i'm not a "burner." and i'm also not a hater. you shouldn't be either. as one of the greatest singer songwriters of my generation once said, "before you knock it, try it first."
Q: what is this "big news" you keep hinting at? what the heck is your problem just tell me what you're talking about!
A: i'm glad i've piqued your interest and i'm going to drop the bomb soon, i promise you. you cannot rush a good loaf of bread.
Q: when is this funny q & a going to stop?
good news and bad news /
(a free loaf for the first person who knows what "FGR" means! e-mail me the answer, you greedy little breadmonster!)
so, i'm just going to come out and say it...
wait! do you want the good news or the bad news first? hmm...?
okay, bad news, of course you want the bad news, i want the bad news first too. so here goes...
i'm leaving.

but now quickly for the good news before you get too sad or pissed - i'm going on an awesome adventure, and then i'm coming back!
yup, the rumors are true - me and my most radical lady friend cathy are going to travel around Southeast Asia for two whole months, for September and October. i thought about maybe trying to twist things a little bit and say that this trip was somehow about bread or baking or something related to what i've been doing for the past year here, but honestly that would be dishonest, and i wanna just be honest with you. so this trip is not about bread.
it's about meeting rad people, and eating amazing food, and jumping off big rocks into clear water, and riding buses all night long, and working on tiny farms in the mountains, and climbing on ancient temples, and learning new languages, and waking up in the jungle, and scuba diving in underwater caves, and doing all sorts of other wonderful things that i can't even imagine, all with my most spectacular girl cathy. i might just be the luckiest guy in the whole wide world.
but i have a favor to ask - don't you go forgetting about me while i'm gone. i touch down back in the great U S of A on November 12, just in time to have Thanksgiving bread for you all. holy crap! that'll be one year since i first sold bread to a bunch of strangers for the first time! (remember that pic at the beginning of this post?) DailyCandy published a little article about me, and a bunch of strangers emailed me asking for bread, so i set up shop at my door, and folks came by all morning, buying up 60 loaves of bread that i baked in my dinky little home oven. wow. this is what i looked like, all happy and shit:
so anyway, once i'm back from adventuring, oh baby baby BABY i am BACK and will be continuing to do my bread thing, just for you.
it is 100% whole wheat. one hundred per freaking cent dude! i can't even believe it. if you don't think this is a big deal, then poop on you, cuz it makes me extraordinarily pumped.
back in the saddle /
someone had a pizza party this weekend... but that's not what i'm writing about.
oh my goodness me... I'M BACK /
aw mannn i've fully breaded myself out (IMPOSSIBLE) /
look what i pulled out of the oven this morning i nearly crapped my pants!!!
i didn't know how bad i missed you til i was back in your arms... /
VERMONT!!! holy friggin crap Vermont you are so so SO sexy in all your sweaty sunny summer time glory. it feels real real good to be in your big green arms once again.

but don't you go worryin yr pretty lil heart san francisco, i miss you too, and i will be floating right back on to ya next friday.
california summer river trip i love you so hard /
my goodness gracious me, this past weekend knocked my little flour covered socks off!
hot as a mothafrikkin wood fired oven /
YO this weather is making a baker boy sweat like a pig. you holdin up okay? i hope so.
oh i party hard... do you? /
yo yo YO my dogs
you (can) make my dreams come true /
last night i had a dream...
i was standing in front of Bi Rite Market, with a whole $hit ton of yummy walnut, whole wheat, and wonder bread that i'd made that afternoon with mine own bare hands:
i was giving samples to passersby, and one of them stops and looks at me all intense like this:

and then he eats a piece of bread and says, "holy motherf***er this is some crazy good bread man!! who in the hell are you?!?"
i no want yr stinkin paper monies (but i also do) /
anyway... back to the matter at hand!

and just the other night my super rad belgian buddies brought me incredible hot-outta-the-oven lemon lavender olive oil cookies (tho they refused to accept a loaf in exchange for their baked goods... the sweetest of hearts they have).
holy crap i'm on TV /
i cannot believe it.
<3 josey
a bird pooped on my face and a ranger stole my bike but i'm okay with it all /
we arrived safely at samuel p, ready to get down with mother nature and commence the chill...
but we weren't the only ones who had this very bright idea:
and get this - i chased them and yelled at them and even (don't get worked up) threw some rocks at them, and they just kinda wobbled around on their chocolate covered paws and stared at us with their beady eyes. i like raccoons, but i didn't like these raccoons.
anyway - we woke up ready to continue our adventure, and biked onwards to bass lake. (with a quick stop in bolinas where i iced (see def. #1) my bro rafi. thank you jed, i'm sorry rafi.)
fast forward to the following morning, where we are chillin at Bass Lake, cooking up eggs and coffee and feelin right and ready. i was sittin next to a tree when a bird up and pooped on my face:
what in the heck, right? i hear this is good luck in some cultures, so i chose to emphasize those cultures in the moment.
right. we rip and roar through the woods back to the dirt road and we're done the hard bike riding part and are feelin excited (cuz we kinda had a hunch that maybe we shouldn't be riding our bikes on this here trail) and B * A * M !!

so we took a bus to sausalito, rode a ferry to sf, ate a cheeseburger at the ferry building, and BARTed home.
what the heck, it makes a good story.
love you babies
<3 josey
holy $hit that was the most ever /
mother effer i gotta just say - SO TOTALLY TOTALLY AWESOME I WANNA KISS YOU ALL ON YOUR BREADCRUMB COVERED FACES. this week saw 320 loaves come and go. holy $hit. that's the most ever. i can't really believe it.
anyway, enough about all this bread... bread's boring. which is why i'm here to announce that i'm quitting.
i'm quitting to join the circus so i can practice backflips like this one (which i'll be the first to admit could use some work):
DON'T BE SILLY I'M NOT QUITTING! i'm just getting started. i wouldn't do that to you, no no NO.
but for real, i'm getting close to my limit for the amount of bread i can bake in a week. what will i do once i get there? that's a very good question!
my plan is to just keep doing my thing, making all the bread by my lonesome, and when i can't bake anymore, i can't bake anymore.
bread & circuses /
my lord, i'm so totally honored to be a part of the bay area's awesome community of bakers, as well as a part of isis' wonderfully thoughtful article about said community, featured on SFBlotter. thank you isis. check out some excerpts below, as well as a link to the whole thing...
double drop kick right where it counts /
man o man, i'm all wide eyed and smiley over here, cuz this is a big week for me. i'm going for a double drop kick right in life's balls this time, if ya know what i mean.
Josey Baker Bread in BI RITE ! ! ! /
um, excuse me josey baker, what are you freakin out about???
- black pepper parmesan
- seed feast
- walnut levain
- whole wheat levain
bread needs vacation too /
holy gosh darn moly, i am L*O*V*I*N*G these super sunny days these days. are you? (if not, you need to get your noggin right outta your bum, cuz this is rad)
this section of overgrown and broken down concrete winds its way up a ridge, curling away from the ocean, and then spitting you out on top where you can stare off into the distance and be blown away by how mothereffing gorgeous california is while also catching your breath before your head explodes.
but the fence got pissed and laid the smack down on my new bike:
i be eatin with abs /
abigail wick reached out to me a few weeks ago, asking if i'd be interested in being a guest columnist on her blog, Eating With Abs.