i no want yr stinkin paper monies (but i also do) / by joseybakerbread

my great old friend mike came to town the other week:
he is awesome and crazy and we had an amazing time and he dug my bread.

anyway... back to the matter at hand!

at one point i toyed with the idea of not accepting cash for my bread. i wasn't gonna give it away for free (you wacko), but instead was only going to accept goods or services as trade. bread barter baby. i put this idea out there wayyy back when (last fall), and a few folks offered up some homemade goods.
but most people said, "jb you are such a friggin hippie. take this money and give me my bread and keep in touch about your tree huggin fantasies."

well, i haven't let go of this sweet idea, and from time to time the good people trade me some good stuff for my good bread.
my boy paxton hooked up some venison sausage, made from deer that he actually shot himself. (also featured in this pic is some home-made kimchi [i cannot for the life of me remember who gave it to us] and of course some jbb toast)
the awesome farmers at dinner bell farms traded me this incredible chicken for several loaves. (it was not cooked mind you, i did that with mine own hands)

and just the other night my super rad belgian buddies brought me incredible hot-outta-the-oven lemon lavender olive oil cookies (tho they refused to accept a loaf in exchange for their baked goods... the sweetest of hearts they have).

so let it be known my dear ones - if you got some goods that you wanna trade this lil baker boy for his bread, i'm all bout it. just holler at a brother. (i may not want to trade bread for your old socks, but it never hurts to ask.)
i'm off to soak in the healing waters of harbin hot springs for the weekend with this sweet sweet lady:

peace out hot dog
<3 josey