- dark chocolate cherry pocket bread - $2
- cinnamon date pocket bread - $2
- wonderbread - $3.50
these loaves went missing the other day, but i followed a trail of bread crumbs to find them loitering on this fence across town...
they smelled of four loco and weed, and they snickered when i tried to tell them how worried i was.
<3 josey
awesome market
first of all - HOLY CRAP THE MARKET ON SATURDAY WAS AWESOME. i sold over 100 loaves in just over 4 hours. ya'll made me feel like a total rock star. hopefully i'll see some of you dudes that i met there at Mission Pie.
i'm still there on tuesday nights from 6pm-2am, so if you have a hankering for some fermented grains, you know where to find me.
<3 josey
i constructed and consumed this sexy beast while i was mixin up crazy quantities of dough - THE MOST EVER!
<3 josey
i'm back. did you miss me?
<3 josey
p.s. here's the answer key...
missin you from utah.
<3 josey
ya give a few boys a sewing machine and a halloween and this is what you get...
monday nights and tuesday mornings are some of my favorites. i drive over to oakland monday night with a bunch of tubs full of dough, such as these:
amazingly i always find a parking spot right in front of pizzaiolo, lug the dough tubs in, and get to work shaping the loaves. if i'm good and hungry, the cool kind folks gimme some super delectable grub, usually a badass pizza.
once i've done my work and the little chubby bread loaves are all good and in tip top shape, i stick em in the fridge, and go sleep on a friend's couch. come 5 am my silly little cell phone alarm clock is waking me up, and i'm back at pizzaiolo, cooling down the oven to get it ready for the breadsies.
this last tuesday mr. scott kline came along to snap some photos. he set up lights and everything, and it made me feel kind of like a movie star. here are a few of the shots he snapped:
rumor one: i just want to be sure ya'll know that i'm not going to be around the week of March 14.
first i'll be roadtrippin with my homies brendan and lana...
rumor two: rumor has it that i might start baking at mission pie two days a week... this is just a rumor for now though, so don't you dare go tellin everybody about it.
rumor three: HA! I SAID TWO RUMORS AND NOW I'M WRITING THREE I AM A SNEAKY LITTLE BAKER! anyway, this is just another rumor... josey baker bread might be experimenting with some new baked goods for you all. again, just a rumor, so don't go tweeting or facebooking about it, cuz i don't want people to get all excited before the hen has laid it's egg, before the ship has sailed the sea, before the bagel has been baked.
kisses sexy babies.
<3 josey
first of all - no need to be so rude.
that's right emmer effers - you can now pick up josey baker bread at pizzaiolo on tuesday mornings.
holy freakin cow the freebreadparty was a SMASHING SUCCESS! ya'll are the raddest kids around.
thank you SOOO much for coming out and being so lovely and supportive and downright sexy to look at. for real - it made my frikkin week.
i know people took photos of this thing... e-mail them to me and i will post em!
<3 josey
this just about says it all:
please come on out this wednesday eve to Mission Pie for my freebreadparty2011. bread should be ready by 5 pm. i'm gonna bake up 100 loaves, and give them all away to all of you.
i'm asking that you take this yummy free bread and share it with someone because, a) i think it's cool to share bread with people, and b) i can now bake up WAYYY more bread than i could before and i wanna get more people signed up for bread subscriptions.
so come on out, get a free loaf, say hello, spread the bread.
check ya soon homies
so - THANK YOU to all of you lovely folks who bought bread from this fella. it made me feel very nice.
and now - the moment you've alllll been waiting for - freebreadparty 2011 is going down.
as a THANK YOU for being so amazingly supportive of this littlebakerboy, id love it if you would accept a loaf for free, on me, all expenses paid, bread-4-no-dough (get it?), know what i mean?
and i'd love for you to give this bread as a gift to someone you like. you can like them like them, or maybe just like them. or maybe you just give it to a stranger. or maybe you even give it to your arch enemy, and then you start to like each other, even just a little. cuz bread is awesome like that, ya know? or if you are just an insatiable bread eating maniac, you can just eat it yourself. either way, brighten up somebody's day and come get a free loaf.
but josey baker, how are you baking all this extra bread???
i am sooo glad you asked. cuz this brings me to my second bit of totally awesome news - the incredible people of Mission Pie have agreed to let me bake bread at their bakery on Wednesday afternoons. dudes, i am going to pump out some superduper rad breads from this oven, i can promise you this.
this is very exciting for me - i'm going to open up Wednesdays as a new CSB day! that means that i can take on all of you that i've been turning away since i haven't been able to bake enough out of my little oven at home. how do you get on board? sign up through my blog. i'm hoping that the freebreadparty will get my bread into more people's mouths (don't be perverted), and that maybe some of them will sign up for a bread subscription. can you help? yes!
what kind of bread will there be at this freebreadparty???
ha ha i can answer that too! five kinds. here's the plan:
i'm not taking orders for the freebreadparty, just baking up a bunch of bread. so if ya wanna be sure to get your favorite, come as soon as you can.
but josey, when is this freebreadparty 2011 going down???
be patient my sweet ones. freebreadparty 2011 is bringing down the house on Wednesday, February 23. it'll be at Mission Pie - at 25th and Mission, going from 5:00-8:00 PM.
so come one come all and celebrate this very exciting new chapter in the josey baker bread world!
p.s. if ya wanna stop by MissionPie some Wednesday before Feb 23, i'll be there getting used to their oven, from 3:00-6:00 or so. don't be shy, come say hi. here's a pic from last Wednesday's first bake:
laaaa laaaa laaaaaaaaaa
duders - saturday (feb 5) i'm slangin mad bread at the underground farmer's market. it's at SomArts, at 934 Brannan St @ 8th. (you gotta sign up here in order to attend - don't worry it doesn't cost and is no obligation, it's just so we don't get arrested.) so if you're headed that a way, then stop on by and say hi. i'll be there in the day time, during the "take-home-ables" portion. but there's rad stuff at night too, so it's all good, i won't feel bad if next time i see you, you're all like, "man that underground farmers market was totally awesome!" and i say, "oh yeah, how come you didn't come and say hi??" and you say, "well, cuz i went at night, and you weren't there." and i say, "oh. right. that's cool. i totally understand." then i start quietly sobbing.
im kidding, i wouldn't do that.
i'd sob real loud so you'd feel bad.
oh stop it.
no, you stop it!
for real tho, hope to see you there.
oh ya know, just shooting a pellet gun in my mom's basement in vermont with my step dad... what else are ya gonna do in that green mtn state?
one of my bread customers asked me the other day what my day job was. i jokingly said that i'd been hunting caribou for the past five years. then i jokingly said that i'd been building windmills. then i said (for real) that i'd been working in berkeley for the past five years designing activities to teach kids science.
but ladies and gentle men, the time has come to tell the truth.
the truth is that i've been working for cirque du soleil, training lions. this has been a highly illegal trade, so i've been sworn to secrecy until my tenure ended. now that i'm so close to moving on, i've gained some courage, lost some fear, and want to let the world know what is REALLY going on behind the scenes.
i will not be silenced any longer, as i transition from taming wild beasts to taming wild yeasts.
i feel so much better now that i've got that off my chest.
in other super good news - chances are very high that we're going to have a freebreadparty at Mission Pie in mid-late February. this is going to be totally awesome. the basic gist: i'm going to give away a whooooole bunch of bread, and make the suggestion that ya'll share the bread with your friends, family, lovers, enemies, strangers, bosses, whoevers. stay tuned for details.
i (half) jokingly told a very dear friend of mine who is rapidly becoming famous that i was going to piggyback his rise to fame by mentioning him in every one of my blogposts from here on out. i'm not going to do that, that was a joke.
but i am going to post this amazing photo i took of him taking a shower, with my two heart brothers rafi and nat keeping him company. he's taking a shower because i gave him a little haircut, and come on, who wants to spend the night with all that itchy hair in your shirt?
see ya round town buddies
what what what are you talking about josey baker???
and MORE EXCITING NEWS! there's this rad little restaurant in oakland called Pizzaiolo, with this incredible wood fired oven... and i'm going to be baking there tuesday and thursday mornings! all this means is that the tuesday and thursday bread is going to be super kick ass as well, and there will be more of it to go around. so don't be shy kiddies - tell your friends.
man o man the snow be fallin outside these days, and it is so nice and warm and cozy inside.