josey baker bread goes trans-bay, baby / by joseybakerbread

i been hearin it more and more: god damn josey baker, i live in oakland/berkeley and i can't keep haulin my ass over to san fran just to get your bread! when in the heck are you gonna start an east bay pick up spot you buttface?!?

first of all - no need to be so rude.

second of all - now.

that's right emmer effers - you can now pick up josey baker bread at pizzaiolo on tuesday mornings.

it's in oakland, on telegraph at 51st. for the time being you gotta subscribe to get in on this one. once you've done that, come in to pick up your loaf between 8am-12noon on TUESDAY ONLY. i'll be there til about 9:30 am, so come before then if ya wanna say yo.
very hip shit ya'll.