hi friends,
holy moly it's happening. i'm selling bread. and people like it. this is so totally rad it's making my eyes pop out of my face. not really, but i'm pumped up.
it all started a few months ago when my roamin and ramblin buddy george kiely was wandering through this town and had picked up some sourdough starter from arizmendi bakery. i told him how i'd always wanted to bake bread, but knew that you couldn't bake good bread in a home oven. he chuckled and told me that you could bake wonderful bread in a home oven, and proceeded to write out some deliciously simple and light hearted instructions for making sourdough bread. i followed them through a few days later, and now i'm just a god damn bread obsessed boy.
so now i'm baking and delivering loaves to gravel and gold at 21st & valencia on wednesday mornings. it's a rad little shop with all sorts of beautiful goodies that is owned and run by three wonderful women. stop by and say hi and grab a loaf if yr in the neighborhood. and tell them josey baker sent you.
also - i've begun selling my bread through my community supported bread (CSB) model to the amazing folks i work with at the lawrence hall of science in berkeley. i've got 12 people interested so far, and we'll see what they think after they try some of the bread. my plan is to have folks purchase a month's worth of bread at a time, similar to the way CSA works.
of course, if you want some bread just let me know, and i'll work you into my baking schedule. i plan on starting baking at la victoria bakery, over at 24th and alabama, in the coming weeks. once i do that i'll be able to make more bread than i can handle. we'll see how that goes.
i love you guys so hard.
<3 josey