what up my sweet + beautiful friends!!
great news - we got a couple more book release parties coming up in the next few weeks - one in San Francisco, one in Oakland. these are gonna be a freakin blast, can't wait to hang with all y'all. i mean, who doesn't like to eat delicious food and drink delicious drink and just generally celebrate life and be merry... and end the night with a hot off the presses copy of my new cookbook in your hands?!?!?
i'll tell you who doesn't like to do that: a-holes. and ya know what - NO A HOLES ALLOWED at these parties.
Nopa - Monday 5/26, 5-6pm - happy hour w/ *free* savory toast bites
one of my favorite places to eat in SF, hell, one of many, many people's favorite places to eat in SF, is Nopa. if you've been here then you know exactly what i mean. and if you haven't been here, now's your chance. they started using our bread on the daily a couple months after we opened, and i am so so so happy about it. they're going to be whipping up some special savory toast bites that we'll be serving *on the house,* so come through and have a munch, get yourself a cocktail, buy a book for your dad, and celebrate Memorial Day in style.
and if SF is not your side of the bay, don't you worry your pretty little self, i got you covered -
Penrose - Friday 6/6, all night long - a whole menu of dishes made with JBB bread + our whole grain flours
have you been to Penrose??? holy moly, you're going to freak out. Mr. Charlie Hallowell + team have outdone themselves, goodness gracious. i met Charlie back in the fall of 2010, just a few months after i started baking, and we really hit it off... within a week we were having sleepovers, prancing about in our (matching) undies and baking bread together early in the morning out of his wood fired oven at Pizzaiolo. and look at us now - he just opened his third ridiculously delicious restaurant, and i'm blabbing about this book i just wrote. supremely stoked about this evening, it's sure to be very fun and very delicious.
please note - while it's great if you wanna come to these to a buy a book, you are also more than welcome to just come and party with us, and leave book-free. we just like having fun, and we want you to do it with us. (and by 'it' i mean 'have fun,' you little perv.)
catch ya soon lovelies
<3 j