hittin the road - Seattle + Portland here i come! / by joseybakerbread

come out + say yo

yo dogs

so so so very stoked to hit the road and share the loaves... still can't really believe it, but that's not gonna stop me.

next Tuesday i am flying up to Seattle to hang with the dudes who make photos like this:

Modernist-Cuisine-Eggand this:

Camembert on Brioche with ham and mushroomscrazy right? they're full of magic tricks. stay tuned.

after that i'm supremely stoked to say that i'll head up to The Bread Lab up at Washington State University to hang with Mr. Stephen Jones & crew and geek out about grains and baking and what have you. then an evening at Book Larder. see you there?

then a hop skip & jump down to Portland, a place i've only been to once, but am hearing from everyone how much i am going to love. will prob spend most of my time doing this:


very stoked to spend a few days here, will start out at Powell's Books Beaverton Thursday eve, and end up at The Ace Hotel for a Saturday morning presentation & book signing. i'm gonna bring some granola from the bakery, so swing through and have breakfast with me.

ok - i've gotta ride my bike to the Presidio Branch of the SF Public Library right now, have an event to do! hope to catch ya at one of these events sweethearts.

<3 j