a book release + bake sale / by joseybakerbread

i seriously cannot believe what i'm about to tell you, so please, slap me if i start to faint...

a book release & bake sale

brought to you by josey baker bread & state bird provisions

i’m teaming up with the folks from State Bird Provisions for a very special one-night-only event –Tuesday, April 22 - in which we celebrate the release of my cookbook, Josey Baker Bread (sneak peak below!!!). i've been working on this book for the last 2 1/2 years, and i could not be more pumped to release it out into the world. it's a beginner's bread baking cookbook, the book that i wish i had when i first fell in love with baking just a few years ago.

and don't you worry, it's got plenty of recipes and techniques for you experienced bakers as well.

as for this very special evening, i know what y’all are thinking, “but State Bird takes reservations 60 days in advance, and they always fill up immediately… why are you even telling me about this if i can’t even go???” don’t worry dudes, we got your back – there will be no reservations on this night, it’s walk-in only. 

Stuart & Nicole and the rest of the State Bird crew are going to be dreaming up some special dishes just for this evening, in which they use stone ground whole grains from The Mill, and of course plenty of our bread (which they use in their menu everyday). and that's not it - we'll have plenty of loaves of bread for sale as well, so you can fill yourself up with delicious dinner, take home a loaf for tomorrow's toast, and get to work on your baking from then on out.

sound like a good time?

you can bet your ass that i’ll be there, selling and signing copies of the book, with a pile of bread loaves for sale, eating more than I should, expressing extreme gratitude for what a wonder-full world it is.

that is all, hope to see you there.

<3 j

first loaf




chap 3

