ever heard about a party after the fact and thought to yourself, “sheesh, i really wish those jerks had invited me, that sounded like SO MUCH fun, and i really am very bummed that i did not get to attend… maybe they don’t like me as much as i thought they did…” yup, we’ve all felt that way. but check this out - this Saturday February 22 from 6-9pm we are having a big frikkin party at The Mill, and YOU are invited! we’ve teamed up with the rad rad rad folks from Nopa (the restaurant) who are working on a new project – Nopalize – and to celebrate the launch we’re throwing a shindig, complete w some ridiculously delicious sausages from the talented (and gorgeous) Mr. David Golovin. there will be some very delicious drinks for the drinking, and there will even be a debut screening of a film made by the oh so gifted folks over at Werehaus about some jerk who works in the neighborhood. (it’s about me!!) so if’n you’re free please do come by for some dinner, drinks, and movie watching, i’m very excited about all of it.
aaand, in other very good news, i have this to share with you -
this time it’s for real my dudes – starting in March we’re gonna be slangin pizza every Monday night 6-9pm @ The Mill. that’s right, Monday Night Pizza is here.
and don’t you worry, all you folks that wanna just grab that pizza and then eat it at home in front of the entire season 2 of House of Cards (or Monday Night Football/Wrestling/Whatever), we will have both slices ($2.50) and whole pies ($20) to go. we’ll change it up every week, here’s where we’re at for now, since i know y’all like to know what we got going on:
3/3: roasted garlic + chicories
a very special night - art opening for Lana Williams’ very rad art that is currently gracing our big white walls!!!
3/10: peppers + onions
3/17: shrooms + gras (cremini + asparagus)
3/24: spicy broccoli
3/31: leek + potato
that is all my friends, check ya soon i hope.
<3 josey