i am gettin
too hot
i wanna take my clothes offfffff
but that was then. (last weekend awesome yuba trip w my sweet lady cathy)
truth is that i can't really use the thing just yet, as The Mill is still undergoing its totally awesome transformation. (that being said, i might have made this, just as a test, only as a test:)
even so, the fact that i gotta be good and patient to actually start using that monster oven is not gonna stop me from PEEING MY PANTS I'M SO PUMPED.
while i am doing that, my main dogs Elicia & Tim have been seriously holding down the fort at The Mill, making sure the coffee gets brewed and the toast gets toasted proper. next time you're in there give them an extra special high-five, would ya?
and Roman and his boys Eugene, Benny & others, have been cranking on the space - look at it!
its come a looooooooong way:
can't wait to see what it looks like 6 months from now.
we had a little bread hiatus for the past 2 weeks, but now we're back on track, so i'll be seeing some of ya real soon.
kisses honey pies
<3 josey