it's just that this isn't working out for me right now, and i think we would both be happier if we just went our separate ways. it really doesn't have anything to do with YOU. it's ME.
WAIT WAIT IT'S NOT TRUE - i love you more than anything and i wanna be with you forever!!!
enough drama - this week is the last week of bread for a little while.
cuz i have a bakery to open, and it's going to take up all my time for a wee bit.
Mission Pie crew - i will miss seeing your beautiful bread-loving faces every week, walking in on Wednesday and Thursday to say hi, grab a loaf, and share some love. if you're thinking to yourself, "crap, this means i will never get my JBB anymore, cuz the new bakery which is at 736 Divisadero, between Fulton & Grove, is way far away from me, and while i like the bread, i ain't going all the way up there to get it," you STOP RIGHT THERE. i will be delivering bread to Mission Pie once a week once The Mill is open, and all you gotta do is sign up to get in on the action. we will still be connected, i promise.
CSB crew (bread subscription homies) - THANK YOU for riding the Josey Baker Bread train this far, and don't you worry, this is just a hiatus. you don't have to do anything now, all of your payments will be suspended until i'm back up and running. just hold tight. and don't go falling in love with anybody else now, ya hear?
Bi Rite peoples - i don't get to see you as often as i'd like, but i want you to know that soon oh so soon i will be all up in that market wayyy more often - like 5 days a week, all day long. can you believe that?!? it's a long time coming, but it's right around the corner.
the plan is to open up The Mill in August. i'd be honored if you'd continue to be a part of the breadventure by following along here, or maybe just maybe swinging by 736 Divisadero once we get our teensy tiny coffee cart toast bar up and running, which should be happening any day now. keep your eyes peeled, i will announce it's beginning.
i know some folks are planning on stocking up on bread this week - the freezer stops bread in its tracks. so if that's your kinda thing, be sure to do it this week.
see ya round honey babies,
<3 josey