this party train is bound for glory, and i'm looking for some folks to jump on board to help out. can you party hard? oh i bet you can. bread slinger
i'm looking for some friendly folks to sell my bread at Mission Pie (25th & Mission). the job entails hanging out with a rack full of warm bread, offering up samples to walk-in customers, explaining the various daily breads and what Josey Baker Bread is all about, and handling the cash transactions. you'll show up when i'm finishing the bake (2:00pm), and commence the bread slinging. will continue said bread slinging until 9:00pm, at which point you'll break down the sales rack. easy stuff.
you should be: friendly and playful, excited to talk with strangers, and of course, a deep deep DEEP lover of bread.
shifts: Wednesdays & Thursdays, 2-9:15pm. okay if you can only work one shift per week, but bonus if you can work both.
compensation: all the bread you can eat (up to 4 loaves per shift). if you so desire, i can teach you what i know about bread. sporadically helping out with bread production is a good possibility.
please e-mail me with a one paragraph tale of why you are perfect for the job.
may the best bread slinger win.
<3 josey