ef baking, now i'm a metal worker / by joseybakerbread

i was just over at the new space helping the FourBarrel crew bring in a mobile coffee cart:

(i wasn't really helping in this way, i was mostly lifting things and eating pizza [and maybe farting], but Dave was sweet enough to let me use the angle grinder so i could look cool. but look how cool he looks:)

why are we bringing in a mobile coffee cart???

cuz this Thursday night we're gonna be partying in the new space during the Divisadero Art Walk. FourBarrel will be slangin they radical coffee, and i shall be toasting some mighty fine toast, if i do say so myself. food and drink from 6-8pm, so don't lollygag or you'll go to bed hungry and thirsty. and if you're feeling talented, get this - we're going to have a talent show as well. the awesome cats known as the Wigg Party are behind this, and we are all jazzed up about it.

what else?

i have been test baking up a little storm in my home kitchen, trying out new recipes for the cafe. like what, you wonder? oh wouldn't you like to know! this is some top secret shit, so don't go yabbering, ya hear? here's a sneak peak...

that may or may not be coffee cake.

that may or may not be banana bread.

i may or not have had a totally awesome day baking with my baker buddy zoe who knows way more than i do.

the fire department may or may not have came to my house the other day because we were burning a very damp brush pile in our fire pit that was putting off an unbelievable amount of smoke.
i've gotten a bunch of e-mails lately asking about the bread. sorry that things keep getting tweaked! here's the current situation: Wed & Thurs, 2:30pm @ Mission Pie and Bi Rite Market; Friday by subscription only. 
so much more to tell, but this blogpost is too long already. 
love you honey pies.
<3 josey