In fashion, either you're in or you're out. And ponchos are unfortunately in because it's been raining steadily since we arrived here in Hoi An, Vietnam several days ago. So just before we got a case of stir-crazyness, we decided a contest was in order and hit the streets for our very own photo shoot. In true haute couture style we chose inspirational themes for each photo, and then improvised our poses in the moments before the picture was taken.
But this isn't just for fun - this is for glory. Please cast your vote (very carefully) below after viewing all the photos. In case you can't tell, Josey is wearing the orange poncho, Cathy is in yellow. We'll post the results in a week, and then we will probably have to have a recount. Here goes:
"dawn on the mekong"
"flowing white rose"
"entire family on moped"
"close up"
please submit your most honest opinions here:
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